OK to Learn?
So I have this frustration and maybe nobody else feels it but I seriously doubt that is the case. Well for me I have lots of ideas in my head that I am wrestling through and most of them are about how I think, believe, feel, live, etc. Sometimes I like to throw those ideas out there and have them not be fully formulated so that others can contribute and help shape how those things look. The problem is that in our culture many times you need to have it nailed down or have some sort of certificate before you can comment on something or you are considered "that guy". You know "that guy", the one who always has a comment on something but they don't always make sense. I don't want to be free to be "that guy" but I also want it to be OK to put an unformulated thought out there without the fear of being ripped apart by those with the nice certificate.
So here is what I am going to start doing; I am going to put my dumb, interesting, wrong, confused, etc. thoughts our here on this page and I want YOU to help me find balance to them. See I am all about finding balance. Our world has become so unbalanced that it is frightening and I keep seeing how Jesus came and made things come back into balance. So I may say some things that you think are way off base but before you react, just stop and remember most of the stuff that Jesus said seemed way off base to everyone in his day and yet he was nailing it ( I am not saying I am going to nail it all the time...just saying let things marinate before you rip me apart for saying something off both of our grids). Lets enjoy and find balance...get off the swing, Jesus is the plumb line.
I would love to hear the "heresy" that offends my religious American self that I might know the Way and I will gladly throw a bow back if I have differing thoughts, but please, please challenge thinking as we know it!
Can't wait to read...
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