Chris & Christie Otts Family

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

blogging again and not sure if that is good for anyone but me

looking at my yard it is obvious that it needs to be mowed.  and that is where the problem lies. how do you mow when the mower is broken?  the answer is simple, you use the weedeater.  which in my situation is perfect because my yard is all weeds and no grass. so if I am abiding by the proper usage of my equipment I should have been using the weedeater all along. if i would have been doing from the beginning that would the mower still be broken?  now that is a very deep and serious problem....ok solved it, I will just weedeat it all, that wasn't as hard as I thought.

I decided this past weekend that I wasn't happy with the way the furniture in my office was positioned.  I know exactly what you are thinking.  he moved it around and then it ended back where he had it from the beginning. well you are wrong, it is all in a new position plus I removed the fake tree from the corner. I think I like the look better now or maybe I don't and I only enjoy it because it is different.

at work I created a survey that will be used for multiple purposes and it needed to be translated to spanish.  I don't speak spanish much less read or write it.  but I did find this website that translated it for me.  but then i had the thought that the website was a hoax and it was going to make me look like a total dbag. so I sent it to one of our spanish speaking/reading/writing employees.  he changed a bunch of it up and didn't mention that any of it was off color but merely it just wasn't perfect translation.  but now that they are being printed I am hoping this guy likes me and is not trying to hose me. I am so paranoid.  really I am not worried about but I didn't have those thoughts.

and finally my parting thoughts. my wife started running a couple months ago and she is so awesome.  she had never run before, i mean never and now she is running three miles three times a week easy.  her legs are smoking and she looks freaking awesome.


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